Back row: Sergej Roytman, Megan Thomas, Adam Liebowitz, Morris Kakuda, Michiel van Nieuwstadt, Dean Askounis, Phil Morgan (vising senior). Front row: Rick Hamilton, Toni Guzzardo, Yasu Fujita, Jenny Logan, John Teramoto (visiting senior), Michael Sandoval, Ravindra Prasad.
In 1974, DeWight DeRoo formed the Michigan dojo in collaboration with SKA. In 1981, John Teramoto came to the University of Michigan to study for his PhD, and led the dojo for two periods from 1981-1983 and 1985-1989. Robbie Haas led the group from 1983—1985. Dean Askounis led the dojo in 1989.
Ohshima-sensei (Shihan) honored the Michigan dojo with visits in 1976 and 1987. Michigan has enjoyed close ties with the Chicago and Cleveland dojos, and has had exchange practices with other Midwestern dojos.
Michigan sent groups to the opening of the Central Dojo, the Harmony event, Kansas City’s 30th anniversary, and to several Spring in the South events. Members of the Michigan dojo have generally attended Midwest Special Trainings.